To help directors and students prepare for CMASC auditions, the composition criteria for audition sight-reading has been provided below.
The Rhythmic Sight-Reading features...
a 4 measure excerpt in common time.
mostly quarter notes, with potential for the following as notes or rests:
half notes
dotted half notes
dotted quarter notes
eighth notes
Students are encouraged to perform the rhythmic sight-reading on any syllables of their choosing, and only spoken rhythms can be scored. Below are some examples that would all earn full marks:
Students may also clap, snap, or tap a steady beat as they perform and/or practice if they so choose.
Both melodic sight-reading excerpts will be...
4 measures long.
in common time.
in a major key.
The exact key will vary by voice part, but stays constant from year to year. See our practice resources page for specifics.